Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tech Talk in Plain English

I am tired of giving blank stares and appearing slack jawed when folks start talking about their new toys. They are so full of enthusiasm that I hate to burst their bubble by telling them I’m clueless.

If you were born with a joystick in your hand, move over. This is Baby Boomer territory. If you or someone you love hesitates, refuses, or downright rejects the idea of keeping up with the times, then follow me as I explore ways to understand what all the fuss is about. No generation X or Y need follow.

Let the journey begin.

Joystick: An input device generally used to play video games.
Baby Boomers: Post WWII offspring.
Generation X: Post Baby Boom generation born between 1960 to mid 1970’s.
Generation Y: No specific dates for when Generation Y starts and ends. Dates range somewhere from the late 1970s to the late 1980s. Generally offspring of Baby Boomers

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